Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Some more visitors have bought their tickets to come out to visit us! Here's the current schedule.

Cindy Lee is coming from Hong Kong to spend Christmas and New Years with us. We'll be traveling to Melbourne and visiting all the sites there!

Sarah Hershey is making her way to Australia towards the end of January and will be traveling with us to Tasmania over Australia Day weekend. This lucky girl will then head over to Hong Kong to see Cindy and be able to celebrate Chinese New Year over there. She's taking advantage of all those random holidays in other countries!

David's parents are coming early February and will be spending a little over a week in Australia spreading their time between Sydney and Melbourne before all of us head to New Zealand for a week.

A week after we return from New Zealand, Steph and Robin will be landing on bissextile day, which is February 29! Steph didn't want to be traveling and spend her bissextile on a plane, so they are coming in on that day. After a week, Robin will be heading back to the US and I'll get to hang out with Stephanie by myself for another full week.

As soon as Stephanie leaves, Elaine and Jim arrive the next day with Sophia and Eddie heading over the day after that! The 6 of us will be traveling to Cairns and Ayers Rock for a super long weekend of fun. It will be our first reunion as only couples. Though, I guess even with our other reunions, we tend to break away from the group... We'll miss Anita and Josh!

Those are the people confirmed to come visit. Does anyone else want to come??

Australia's interesting fact of the day: The mall closes at 5:30 PM. This means that you can't expect to go to the mall after work. They open late on one weekday, but otherwise it always closes at 5:30 pm. I'm not sure if it's only the particular mall near us, but imagine our surprise when we headed over to the mall around 5:15ish and all the shops were closing down. We ended up leaving the mall 45 min later. So far, the one good thing about this combined with the expensive clothes is that I am not going shopping for anything but groceries!


Sofichan said... are going to be sick of visitors by the time we come! I'm SO excited tho!!!

Anonymous said...

We're so excited to see you both. We...Aunt Maddy, Uncle Sheldon & our two good friends, Judy & Arnie Bernstein will be arriving in Sydney on February let me know what night we can take you to dinner. We'll also get to spend time together on February 7 with your folks! What an influx of visitors!!! Much love. AM