Nicole and Sarah enjoying the view of the berry farm, water and park.
The sad part about this berry farm was that it was mostly an old barn converted to selling berry products and pre-made berry food. There was no berries to be picked by us, so we quickly left to find a berry farm that we could enjoy a little more.
After we drove back towards Hobart, we went to the Sorrell Berry Farm. This one was much bigger and better. For only $6/person, we each got our own container to pick as much fruit as we wanted. Here was the selection that the farm had to offer.
Unfortunately, not everything was in season, but we started at the top of the hill where there were cherries. Here are our empty containers waiting to be filled with delicious fruit.
The first stop was the cherry trees! There were two types of cherries, which were the dark skinned ones with the dark flesh and these lighter pink/reddish ones that had white flesh. They were usually bundled together in clusters.
Nicole found a good cluster and Casey was hoping to steal it from her basket!
Sarah and I were trying to help each other get the cherries. Since some of the branches were filled at the top, we usually had to try and pull down the branch so another person could gather the yumminess.
We had to head back down the hill to get to the other berries. We ended up picking some strawberries before attempting the other berries. They had silvanberries, which were a cultivated blackberry. Unfortunately, there were all these thorns while picking them and since I didn't like the taste that much, I gave up hunting for them quite quickly.
Instead, I dragged David back up to the cherry trees to do some more cherry picking. See how my basket is almost full?
David's just topping off his container too.
After our hard work, we had filled 5 containers with all types of berries and by the time we left, most of us were berried out.
Sarah and I kept our containers until we boarded our airplane. They had an announcement on the plane that we weren't supposed to bring fresh fruit back into Sydney from Tasmania. Even though I wasn't too hungry, Sarah and I ate most of the fruit in our containers. The worst part was that when we finally got off the plane, there was no one making us throw away our fresh fruit and we could have brought them home! Oh well.
Next up: Port Arthur and Tasmanian Devil Conservation Park.
What are Tayberries??
P.S. You...are...SO...tan!!!!!!
I have seen your trip quickly and i would like to know if you could give the adress where you were because i want to get a job in fruit picking. My email is
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